Let's Cradle

In October 2006 the Dutch documentary Waste = Food (“Waste equals food”) was aired on Dutch national television, envisioning an economically feasible, ecologically beautiful and fundamentally sustainable world based on “Cradle to Cradle.”
An ecological business and design concept, Cradle to Cradle strives for an almost utopian ideal in our very real world. The documentary set off a chain reaction in Dutch society and led the concept to be widely embraced by businesses, organizations and education institutions.
Planet Prosperity organized the now legendary Let’s Cradle! Conference as part of their Let’s Cradle! Campaign, which brought together sustainability frontrunners, innovators, businesses, designers, government, builders, philosophers, students and many others. The conference helped change the outlooks of many on how to do business.
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things is the bestselling book by eco-chemist Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough. It describes a method of design where products are developed to be completely recyclable, with a view to the end of their “lifespans,” when they can re-enter the flow of resources either through the “technical cycle” or the “biological cycle.” This method also upholds positive footprinting, clean water cycles, renewable energy and social equity.
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute
After Let's Cradle!, Planet Prosperity set to work creating coalitions between people and organizations to support the implementation of Cradle to Cradle. Amongst other things, the foundation rallied for an independent Institute to take charge of the certifications and knowledge-sharing needed to facilitate large-scale participation in Cradle to Cradle. These endeavours bore fruit with the foundation of the Cradle tot Cradle Product Innovation Institute, which is headed by Bridgett Luther. Michael Braungart and William McDonough, licensed the certification mark along with the Cradle to Cradle ® protocols to the Institute as their gift to mankind.

The Dutch are Revving up their Economy and Shifting into Eco High-Gear” in What Is Enlightenment?Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute